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FYW meetings, Spring 2025
- January 16 (12-1 pm, Karpen 232) | Articulating (& sharing) what we do & why we do it
- February 18 (12-1 pm, Karpen 232) | Pedagogy conversation, with entire English department
- March 6 (12-1 pm, Karpen 232) | Review & discussion of recent assessment data
- April 3 (12-1 pm, Karpen 232)
Student Feedback (campus-wide expectations)
- February 14 | Deadline to share with students the results of at least one assessment
- March 7 | Deadline to share with students the results of at least one additional assessment
- March 21 | Last day students may withdraw from a full-term fall course
LANG 110 (LANG 120 Support Lab):
- February 28 | Nominations due (using this form)
- March 17 – May 7 | Course sessions (Term II), Writing Center
- April 21 | FYSS Nominations due (using this form)
- April 30 | FYSS Event (Reading Day), 3:00-5:00 p.m., Highsmith